GUNSMOKE.TXT Copyright (c) 1994 by G. Smoke, proliferate freely. Salutations. I am Gunsmoke, the CAVE Inc Quality Assurance Engineer and the ass half of 1/2 Fast Software. While other companies may have yahoos masquerading as jackasses in their Quality Control Department, only CAVE Inc has the real thing! There are several poses of Gunsmoke The Jackass testing our 1/2 fast software. Reprints are available for $5 for a 4x6, $10 for a 8x10, and $20 for a 20x30 inch poster for the front office. Contact 1/2 Fast Foto Div of CAVE Inc, 1/2 Fast Road, Ritner KY 42639 for proofs. 606/376-3137 Other asininities are available, including other photos and audio tapes for your answering machine. I might also be persuaded to pose with your product for a publicity photo. I have trouble with a standard keyboard. I must hold a pencil in my fetlock and hunt & peck. Who makes computer keyboards for equines? Please contact: G.Smoke, Qual Ass Dept, CAVE Inc, 1/2 Fast Road, Ritner, KY 42639